Ham Radio
Ham Radio CD-ROM (Emerald Software) (1995).ISO
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252 lines
Control program for Yaesu CAT system transceivers.
Version 1.0
Written in Turbo Pascal for PCDOS/MSDOS computers
by D. J. Wilke, N3HGQ.
CATY is a program designed to take command of your Yaesu radio,
equipped with the CAT (Computer-Aided Tuning) system, from your
personal computer. This version was written to take control of
the FT-767GX. The software exploits the full implementation
of the CAT system, allowing control of VFO/memory data entry,
mode selection and tuning. Complete status reporting from the
radio is displayed on screens showing all parameters grouped in
a logical, straightforward manner.
In addition to the memory channels designed into the radio, CATY
provides "Expanded Memory" for your Yaesu. 100 additional memory
channels per data file can be copied to the internal VFO from disk,
allowing unlimited libraries of frequencies, modes, offsets and
identifying data to be archived. These additional channels reside
in a RAM array once loaded from disk, and can be scrolled and
selected instantaneously. Repeater offsets can be set automatically
from the stored data, eliminating the tedious procedure at the
radio's front panel. An initial library of data files is provided
for both VFO and memory tuning, containing known active services
such as international shortwave stations, amateur repeaters, AMTOR,
standard time signals, radioteletype, CW, FAX, packet and standard
All controllable parameters are entered from full-screen menus and
function keys, with the most often-used functions occupying prominent
positions. Between commands to the radio, the software returns
control to the operator, allowing manual operation to resume. An on-
screen real-time clock displays time in both local and UTC formats.
IBMPC/XT/AT or compatible with at least 256k memory.
MDA/CGA/EGA/VGA display adapter and monitor.
RS-232 serial communications adapter configured as COM1: or COM2:.
Yaesu FT-767 transceiver with CAT system.
TTL to RS-232 interface for Yaesu radio.
The distribution disk contains the following files:
CATY767.EXE - The main executable program.
LOADY.EXE - Command line-driven memory channel loader.
CATY767.PAS - TP5 source for the main program.
Y767.GLO - TP5 global equates and setup parameters.
Y767GLO.PAS - TP5 unit to access global references.
Y767DISP.PAS - TP5 unit for display routines.
Y767COMM.PAS - TP5 unit for serial communications.
Y767INST.PAS - TP5 unit for receiver control routines.
Y767UTIL.PAS - TP5 unit for utility routines.
Y767RTC.PAS - TP5 unit for interrupt driven real-time clock.
CATY.DOC - What you're reading now.
CATY1.CFG - Config file for COM1:, rename to CATY.BAT.
CATY2.CFG - Config file for COM2:, rename to CATY.BAT.
CATY.BAT - Batch file to load CATY767.EXE with cmd line options.
LOADY1.BAT - Batch file to load memories through COM1:.
LOADY2.BAT - Batch file to load memories through COM2:.
ASCII DATABASE FILES for VFO (capacity 100 entries per file):
Y767AMB.DAT - Standard AM broadcast VFO database.
Y767PAK.DAT - Packet radio HF/VHF VFO database.
Y7672MR.DAT - 2 meter voice repeater VFO database.
Y767SWA.DAT - International shortwave 2-11.5 mHz. VFO database.
Y767SWB.DAT - International shortwave 11.5-28 mHz. VFO database.
Y767TTA.DAT - Commercial radio teletype 2-14.5 mHz. VFO database.
Y767TTB.DAT - Commercial radio teletype 14.5-19.3 mHz. VFO database.
Y767TTC.DAT - Commercial radio teletype 19.3-25.5 mHz. VFO database.
Y76725M.DAT - 25 meter shortwave band VFO database.
Y76731M.DAT - 31 meter shortwave band VFO database.
ASCII DATABASE FILES for MEMORIES (capacity 10 entries per file):
Y767DEF.MEM - Default (demo) FT-767GX memory datafile.
Y767AMT.MEM - AMTOR/SITOR channels memory datafile.
Y767CWB.MEM - Amateur CW band edge memory datafile.
Y767PHB.MEM - Amateur Phone band edge memory datafile.
Y767PAK.MEM - HF/VHF packet radio memory datafile.
Y7672MR.MEM - 2 meter voice repeater memory datafile.
Y767FAX.MEM - Commercial Facsimile memory datafile.
Y767RTY.MEM - Commercial radioteletype memory datafile.
Configure your computer so that the serial RS-232 port(s) are
available as COM1: or COM2:. The Yaesu radio MUST have an external
RS-232 interface to connect to your computer OR you must provide
a way to communicate to/from the radio using its provided TTL
interface connector. Only three communications lines are used:
TX (Transmit Data), RX (Receive Data) and Signal Ground. There
is no hardware handshaking in the Yaesu CAT implementation,
so the interconnections are minimal.
If COM1: is chosen, invoke the batch file CATY1.BAT; likewise
CATY2.BAT for COM2:. These files can be edited to inform the
local/UTC clock routines in CATY which timezone to use, the
default is EST. To change to EDT, edit the second command
line option within the corresponding batch file, for example:
<CATY767 /comport /timezone> where /comport = [/1] or [/2] and
/timezone = [/S] (Eastern Standard) or [/D] (Eastern Daylight.)
If your system does not have a real-time clock/calendar card,
edit CATY1.BAT or CATY2.BAT, adding DOS DATE and TIME commands
to set the correct local time for CATY's RTC as in the following
CATY2.BAT example:
echo off
CATY767 /2 /S
If running from floppy disk, be certain all supporting files are
present. On hard disk systems, copy entire set of files into a
separate directory named \CATY.
The program is entirely menu and function key driven. Upon startup,
you are presented with a full screen Main Menu and the Function
Keys on line 25. The available options are:
=== =============================================================
1 Displays radio's status as a full screen display
2 Queries operator and sets operating frequency
3 Queries operator and sets programmed frequency step DOWN
4 Queries operator and sets programmed frequency step UP
5 Selects between VFO A, VFO B or memory
6 Selects active memory channel, 0 through 9
7 Sets operating mode to LSB, USB, CW, AM, FM OR FSK
8 Selects between Ham bands and general coverage receiver
0 Turns off Split, Clarifier, Offset functions
+ Steps UP 10 Hertz in frequency, displays result
- Steps DN 10 Hertz in frequency, displays result
F1 Loads memories from disk datafile
F2 Queries operator and loads VFO A from disk datafile
F3 Moves down to next lower band (depends on Ham/General setting)
F4 Moves up to next higher band (depends on Ham/General setting)
F5 Toggles SPLIT on or off
F6 Toggles CLARIFIER on or off
F7 Moves selection from selected memory to VFO A
F8 Moves selection from VFO A to selected memory
F9 Swaps contents of VFO A and selected memory
F10 Quits the program and returns to DOS
There is a convenient way to quickly load or change all memory
frequencies from the command line. The datafiles ending with .MEM
can be loaded into the Yaesu's memories using a separate file named
LOADY.EXE. Two batch files are included which allow the use of
your choice of COM port. It is only necessary to indicate the
category of the desired service on the command line to LOADYx.BAT,
as in:
LOADY1(or 2) PAK<CR> - Loads frequencies in Y767PAK.MEM
LOADY1(or 2) FAX<CR> - Loads frequencies in Y767FAX.MEM
You can invoke LOADY.EXE directly, providing your own command line
option such as:
LOADY PAK /1<CR> - Loads Y767PAK.MEM through COM1:
LOADY PAK /2<CR> - Loads Y767PAK.MEM through COM2:
The default COM port is COM1: if no command line argument is
For simplicity, the command to LOADY is shortened to the three
characters preceding the .MEM in the memory datafiles:
Y767DEF.MEM = LOADY DEF<CR> or LOADY DEF [/1] [/2]
Y767AMT.MEM = LOADY AMT<CR> or LOADY AMT [/1] [/2]
Y767CWB.MEM = LOADY CWB<CR> or LOADY CWB [/1] [/2]
Y767PHB.MEM = LOADY PHB<CR> or LOADY PHB [/1] [/2]
Y7672MR.MEM = LOADY 2MR<CR> or LOADY 2MR [/1] [/2]
Y767RTY.MEM = LOADY RTY<CR> or LOADY RTY [/1] [/2]
New datafiles can be created using your favorite ASCII editor,
just be sure to follow the structure of the included files and
don't exceed 10 entries. The file naming convention must be
followed for LOADY.EXE to work.
CATY v1.0 is no cost software. You cannot be charged a fee
to obtain a copy of this software including documentation
and database files. You may use the program and tinker with
the source code, but you may not sell this code or program.
You may give a copy of this software to any person who desires
it as long as there is no charge for obtaining the copy.
This software is being made available as a learning and
development vehicle for the amateur radio community.
This sofware is NOT in the public domain.
This .DOC file requires a great deal of work, as the source
code is still evolving. The program was developed entirely in
Turbo Pascal Version 5.5 utilizing Unit files. Future planned
enhancements include:
Support for FT757, FT747;
An automatic logging module;
A frequency scan function;
Integrated TNC control;
Integrated datafile creation;
Lookup tables for packet commands;
Linkage to existing BBS programs;
A DOS shell function; and
Ideas from contributors.
Inputs, recommendations, critiques, wish lists and bug reports
are requested. Please keep this package intact with all data
files, source code and documentation. Improvements and
embellishments to the source are invited. When updating the
source, please maintain the naming convention (e.g. CATY10.ZIP,
CATY11.ZIP etc.)
This project was a lot of work, but also a very valuable learning
experience. I hope it will be a springboard for a really solid
and useful ham radio program. How about it guys and gals - will
you help to sweeten the code?
73, Don Wilke, N3HGQ
4228 Mount Carmel Road
Upperco, MD 21155
(301) 374-2735
or @KA3QAC packet BBS (145.03)